Understanding Google Drive for Google Apps

Some of us may have already caught wind of this but for those who haven’t, Google has released Google Drive to certain domains and users!  The rollout to all domains and users will happen gradually over the next 4 to 6 weeks, so keep an eye out for the ‘new look of Docs.’  If you would like to see if Google Drive is available for you, click here to download the new feature … if it is not available to you yet, you’ll want to click on the ‘Notify Me’ button on the Drive homepage and Google will send you an email when it’s ready!

Today, we’re going to highlight a few items surrounding Google Drive so you’ll have a better understanding of what it is and what’s available to you.

The New Look of Google Drive

After you download Google Drive, the ‘Docs’ hyperlink in the Universal Navigation Bar (upper left hand corner of your inbox) will now say ‘Drive.’  You will now click on the ‘Drive’ hyperlink when you need to access ALL of your Google Docs and previously uploaded documents.  

The layout of ‘Drive’ will basically remain the same with a few minor changes to the ‘Folder List/Sidebar’ on the left hand side of the Docs list.  One major difference you’ll notice is the ‘My Drive’ section located directly below ‘Create.’  This will be where your all of the items you have created are located … these are the documents/folders that Google will sync with the new ‘Google Drive Folder’ that is added to your computer (PC & Mac).  

*NOTE*  Collections in Google Docs are now called Folders in Google Drive

If you move a document or folder from this list and place it directly on your computer, it will sync and remove the file/folder from the ‘My Drive’ list.  Also, if you add a file from from your computer to the Google Drive folder that is automatically added to your computer, it will sync to the cloud and you’ll now see that file on the web in your ‘My Drive’ section which will also sync to the ‘Google Drive’ folder on your computer (it’s always there!).  

Below ‘My Drive’ is the ‘Shared with Me’ section.  Here is where you will be able to locate all of the documents shared with you.  You’ll have the ability to drag and drop files from this section in to your ‘My Drive’ for easy access.  

If you enjoyed the look and feel of ‘Docs,’ you’ll still have the ability to view your items in that layout.  Simply click on ‘More’ and then click on ‘All Items’ to view all of your items.  You’ll also be ability to click on ‘Activity’ to see which documents have recently been modified and by who!

Take some time to navigate the new layout to become better acquainted with the new features.

How to Purchase Additional Google Drive Storage Space

By default, each user will have 5 GB of data storage available to them.  This is a fairly large increase compared to the 1 GB previously allowed in Google Docs.  Now, if you need additional storage space greater than the default 5 GB provided for free, not to worry … Google has you covered!

As an administrator, you have the ability to purchase additional storage for the domain and distribute it to the specific users.  For a full list of prices and storage space increments, visit this link and follow the directions on how to purchase the additional storage for your domain.

Now that you have purchased the additional storage, admins (with all their super powers) have the ability to distribute this additional storage space to the users that need it the most.  Admins can distribute these storage licenses to individual users or a group of users that are listed in a specific organizational unit.  Click here to learn more about the steps that need to be taken to distribute the additional data storage space to your users.

Google Drive ‘On The Go?’

Yes!  Google Drive is available on your Android device or IOS operating system in mobile app form.  The according application can be found on the Google Play Market.  Simply search for ‘Google Drive Android’ or ‘Google Drive IOS’ to find the app that works for you.  Now, all of your important data can be found ANYWHERE & EVERYWHERE!!

We’re really excited about the release of Google Drive and we hope you are too.  Let us know your initial thoughts on this release in the comments section below and give this blog post a +1 so others can discover the information more effectively in a Google Search.  

Have a great day!

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