Gmail’s New Compose Experience Now Default for all Users

As you may have read, Gmail’s New Compose experience is now the default for all users. Starting yesterday, Rapid Release domain users will begin to see the new compose as the default experience when composing messages. Users will still have a minimum of two additional weeks to opt-out.

In two weeks time (scheduled for April 11th, 2013), Scheduled Release users will see the new compose as the default experience when composing messages. These users will be able to opt-out for a minimum of two additional weeks.

To help you and your users with this transition, we have developed a number of support resources as well as two Professional Development packages to ensure that your users are utilizing the newest updates to work more efficiently.

Professional Development Packages & New Compose Resources
  • Working Efficiently with Google Apps Webinar – $399 – A fully customized 1 hour webinar highlighting the newest tools and shortcuts available in Google Apps to increase productivity. You will also receive the recording of this webinar.
  • Efficiency Evaluation – $500 – This evaluation is a 3 hour consultation with optional training to assess and streamline user work processes. As with the webinar above, if training is selected you will receive the recording of the session. 
  • Watch our instructional video below to learn more.

We are happy to schedule your trainings in conjunction with your next quarterly or department meeting. Start your next quarter off right! As always, we invite you to visit our website, for more information. If you have questions regarding new compose please feel free to reach out to our team during Blog Office Hours every Thursday from 11-12pm est. 
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