NEW Google+ Events

New to Google+ is the ability to organize events. I know what you are thinking… isn’t that what Google Calendar is for? Well, yes of course but Google+ takes the planning a step further with interactive event planning from start to finish.

The fourth of July is quickly approaching, and this year, we are certainly going to get it started with a BANG! (No pun intended…okay, maybe a little pun). With Google+ events, it is easy to organize and share your experience with anyone in your circles. Let us get you started with this great new feature! 

Setting Up A Google+ Event

Setting up a Google+ Event is easy. Just sign in to Google+ and locate the ‘Events’ icon on the navigation bar to the left. 

Once selected, you will be able to set the details for your event. In this case, I am planning the Explosive Fourth of July rendez-vous! There are six different details to set. 
1. Event Title: Name your event
2. Event Options: Would you like guests to invite other guests? Would you like guests to post photos of the event?
3. Time: Set the starting date and time and ending time if you choose. 
4. Location: Add the location and guests can easily find directions with the help of Google Maps.
5. Description: Any extra details your guests need to know.
6. Guests: Invite individuals or entire circles. 
Once a guests indicates that he is going, the event will be automatically added to his Google+ calendar. Honestly, can it get any easier? 

Interacting in Google+ Events

Now that the event has been created, lets take a look at how the event appears in Google+. If allowed by event creator, guests can comment on the event. 
Guests can also easily find directions right from the event page. 
And of course, share photos of the event or share the event itself. 

Google+ Event Use Cases

We have showed you the ins and outs of Google+ events while planning our fourth of July party but the events options do not stop there. Although this new feature is fun and exciting, your business or organization is sure to find great use of Google+ Events. Here are some ways your business or organization can effectively incorporate Google+ events.

Make A Big Company Announcement!
The next time your company is going to make a big announcement, make it more personable. Schedule a Google+ hangout on air and invite everyone in your organization. Easily generate buzz and provide your employees an opportunity to be heard as well by allowing comments on the events page. 

Schedule A Company Picnic or Party
Since Google+ events allow you to create the whole experience, you can organize, share photos, and share the entire experience with Google+ Events. By allowing others to post photos, you won’t miss one exciting thing and you will be able to relive the best experiences over and over again. 

Generate Enthusiasm For Volunteering
We all know volunteering is beneficial but sometimes getting people in your organization to sign up is like pulling teeth! Now, you can make it interactive. You will be able to organize the event, hold a Google+ Hangout on Air to stream the joy that is being spread, and post photos of the volunteer super stars! Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and a great experience for colleagues to share together via Google+.

These are just a few examples of the different ways your business or organization can use Google+ Events. In the comments section, let us know what other ways your business or organization can effectively incorporate this great new feature! 

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