How To Schedule Email Sending and Reminders In Google Mail


Google Mail is a great email application that allows you keep organized. Previously, we showed you how to effectively use labels, search, and filters to maintain organization of your inbox. Let’s take it a step further and show you how you can maintain even more control over your messages. With Boomerang, a Chrome Web Store plug in, you have the ability to schedule email sending and reminders! Now, you can write that email on Monday for a message that needs to be delivered on Wednesday. You can even have your messages reemerge in your inbox as reminders. We will show you how to get Boomerang in GMail and the different ways you can use this fantastic plug in.

Adding Boomerang To GMail

Boomerang can be found in the Chrome Web Store. This is just another reason why Chrome is awesome! 

Once in the Chrome Web Store, you can easily search for Boomerang. Just type Boomerang in the search field. Then Select ‘add to chrome‘.

Boomerang will be added to chrome and will now be visible while you are working in Google Mail. Once Boomerang is added, you will be able to schedule specific times for messages to be sent, or event schedule recurring messages. On top of that, you can even Boomerang your message back to your inbox as a reminder! Let us show you how you can effectively use Boomerang.

Schedule Your Messages

While composing messages, you will now notice a ‘send later’ option at the top of the message you are working on. This button will allow you to schedule a specific time for the delivery of your message. So, if a colleagues birthday is on Firday, and it is currently Monday, you can write that Happy Birthday email and have it be delivered on the appropriate day! 

You can see that you have the option to delay the message for a few hours, days, weeks, a month or even give a specific time and day for the message to be sent. You can even schedule recurring messages! That will save your tired fingers from those weekly reminder emails.

Message Reminders

Aside from the ‘send later’ option, you also have the ability to Boomerang messages back into your inbox. This way, you don’t have to try and keep track of those messages you are waiting responses from. This option is located directly below the subject line in your email message. 

Once you make the selection to Boomerang the message, you can choose the specifics as well. You can choose to Boomerang the message if not one replies or even if there are responses.

Then, you can select a specific time you would like the message to reappear in your inbox. 

Boomerang allows you to keep on top of all your important message and help you stay on top of those deadlines! Let us know what other great finds you have come across in the Chrome Web Store and we’ll write about it on our blog with a shot out to you! 

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